Twitch Shout-out


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Shout-Out Clip Player Overlay

Play a random clip from the streamers channel that is shouted out.


  • !watchclip Play a clip that was posted into chat.
  • !replayso, !soreplay, !clipreplay, !replayclip will replay the previous shout-out clip. Maybe you just have to see that clip again :)
  • !stopclip to stop/reload the browser source in case a clip is just way too long, cringey or playing at an inappropriate time. Limited to Mods and Streamer. Can also use (!sostop, !stopclip, !clipstop, !clipreload)
  • Date Range option: This will grab a clip from within the last 5days, 10day, 30days... If no clips exist, then no clip will play. You can enable the "Show the user profile image" to display the users avatar in place of a non-existent clip.
  • Show clip details panel: This will display a panel in the lower third of the overlay that contains details about the clip. This can use variables:{channel},{title},{game},{creator_name},{created_at}.
  • Automatically do a shout-out on Raid events.
  • You can not do a shout-out while another shout-out is playing. The command will simply be ignored.
  • Be sure to set "Shutdown source when not visible", "Control audio via OBS", "Refresh browser when scene becomes active" on the OBS Browser Source properties.



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